domingo, 5 de agosto de 2007

Frankie and Johnny

Há um ano atrás uma mulher e um homem se conheceram no campo virtual... Quase dois meses depois, se conheceram no mundo real.. Em seguida, viveram uma pequena lua-de-mel, até que tudo passou a ser um vácuo muito grande.

A liga do destino os aproximou novamente! A vida os dá outra chance! A esperança é que eles saibam aproveitá-la e ficarem felizes!!

Um novo planejamento estratégico está sendo desenvolvido. Devagar e sempre!

Mas, o mais importante é que ela, assim como a Frankie do filme, está tentando se abrir, depois de tanto tempo, tanto medo, tanto susto, tanto 'um dia isso tudo acaba.'

Acabo de assistir um dos filmes mais lindos que já vi nos últimos tempos... Frankie e Johnny. Me fez lembrar deste casal. Ele, com uma história de frutos reais, que supostamente, ficou no passado. Ela, recheada dos medos do depois, prefere comprar um vídeo cassete ao invés de sair em busca do novo amor. Uma vez que ele bateu à sua porta, ela continua preferindo o vcr ao deixá-lo entrar e mostrar-lhe um caminho a dois com frutos no futuro.

O medo! Sim, o medo bloqueia, interfere, impede! Mas, a insistência, o desejo do ano, quebra paredes e acaba vencendo tudo! Transforma o pânico da dor, no doce sabor da conquista!! Bom demais! Preciso assisti-lo novamente... Sempre que estiver começando a ficar sem forças como estava hoje de manhã!!
Valeu meu PRIN! Bom demais poder e querer acreditar em nós dois...

Deixo aqui frases do filme para que eu me recorde dele sempre! CARPE DIEM!


What's the matter with you? You went to college?

She had that look, you know? My mother had that look her whole life when she was alive. Disappointed.

I seen the end of the world.The heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand.
Everything I want is in this room.

Now, there's a man and a woman. He's a cook, she's a waitress. Now they meet, and they don't connect. Only she noticed him, he could feel it, and he noticed her. And they both knew it was going to happen. They made love, and for maybe one whole night they forgot the 10 million things that make people think... I don't love this person... I don't like this person... I don't know this... instead it was perfect. And they were perfect. And that's all there was to know about it.

Only now she's beginning to forget all that, and who knows pretty soon he's going to forget it too. So I was just wondering, could you play an encore for Frankie and Johnny in the hope of something that's gonna to last and not self-destruct.

I want to kill myself sometimes when I think that I'm the only person in the world. And that part of me that feels that way is trapped inside this body that only bumps into other bodies, without ever connecting to the only other person in the world trapped inside of them. We have to connect. We just have to.


I thought you were sad, Johnny, I thought you were wierd, but I didn't know you were cruel.

I am. I am afraid. I'm afraid of being alone, I'm afraid not to be alone, I'm afraid of what I am, what I'm not, what I might become, what I might never become. I don't want to stay at my job the rest of my life but I'm afraid to leave. And I'm just tired, you know? I'm just so tired of being afraid.

I'm a BLT down sort of person, and I think you're looking for someone a little more pheasant under glass

Frankie How can you have empathy with someone you've never met?

Johnny Well I didn't have to meet her, you see. I just looked at her picture on the casket and I knew, I knew she lived alone, I knew she had these dreams that weren't quite enough to keep her heart beating, so she kept it going by putting a bottle of "Four Roses" under her pillow every night, nobody knew about.


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